Thursday, December 11, 2008


Huh?  What is this?  This makes absolutely no sense at all.  I did all the calculations right.  I'm so bloody tired right now.  Maybe it will make more sense in the morning.  Oh wait, it is the morning.  I have been up all night, actually several nights.

Ok, I'll run it again........Nope, it still makes no sense.  This is the most retarded thing I have ever come up with.  I should throw this away.  If somebody gets a hold of this I will have no friends and I will be forced to change my name.

On second thought, what if I put it out there to the world as a joke.  Oh man, that is funny.  It could be the biggest joke ever.  I'm so going to do it.

-Albert Einstein

Should I submit it or not? I really don't know if it's such a good idea.

Why did I decide to write this?  It took so long.  I can't begin to remember how many drafts I went through.  What if nobody likes it?  What if they think I'm crazy?  Oh what am I doing?  I'm being such a baby.  I mean, it was about time somebody wrote something like this.

I wonder how many people will sign it.  I swear it is so hot outside today.  I'm glad we're not meeting today.  I don't think anyone would be excited to read this thing on a day like today.

Come on, suck it up Tom!!!  I do take comfort and a bit of good old fashion spite in the fact that this thing is so going to piss off the British!

-Thomas Jefferson
July, 1776